About Me

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Well, lets start with the important stuff...Im the wife to a really hot guy! Im Blessed with three great kids, Hope is almost 18, Morgan just turned 6 and the true love of my life my son Tommy who is 5. We recently moved from the Flint area, yea I know what your thinking so let me finish, we Moved to the country away from the crime and grime. We bought a more beautiful home then we deserve on five acres. life is good. I work full time as a commercial Banker, my husband Tom owns his own business doing Home theaters and security. His business is BOOMING! I was born and raised in Flint and moved to Arizona in 1996. I stayed about ten years and had the desire to move back. So I packed up a Hundai Elantra a 9 year old girl, a yorkie, two turtles and a car load of gear and moved back to Flint. We stayed with my girl Michelle for a bit until I got settled with a job and new place. Then I started stalking my husband to be and it has been blissful ever since.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

CAUTION Im feeling very passionate about this so it may be offensive

This is what is being plastered all over facebook today
 small boy writes a letter to God. "Dear God, why do you let bad things happen in our schools?"
God replied, "Dear Son, I am not allowed in your schools."
I challenge you to re-post this.

so people are discussing how god is not in the schools any more and then saying oh that is why our children have no morals and no respect well here is my thought I went to a catholic school and didnt learn much about religion just about how mean kids can be and then I went to public school and the kids were just as mean there. The reason your kids have no morals and no respect is due to the fact that YOU the parent are depending on the school to do that for you, well in case you were wondering that's  YOUR job not the schools and if you want to raise your child with religion well guess what? that again is on YOU not the school but I also believe that God is carried in your heart not in some pledge or prayer you say at school. Now If you dont agree with public school well guess what you have options,  send your child to a "religious" school of your choice but you still must not expect the school to teach them the ways of said religion that again is on you the parent.
You have to RAISE your kids! that is the problem not the schools,  it is not the schools fault your child is disrespectful it is yours it is not the schools fault your child has no morals that is your fault,  maybe you should stop being on face book and watching the real housewives of where ever and spend time with your kids taking them to church is a great start but dont blame the schools for your lack of parenting, the schools have enough problems like not paying their teachers what they deserve and making sure there is enough funding to get books and supplies and having children that WANT to learn and are not being shuffled thru the system and pushing them to the next grade cause they would not dare hold them back like they should. God is in control of every thing anyway you just have to have faith in him and his ways. but YOU have to be the parent,  love your children raise them up with faith and love as well as discipline and affirmation speak words of life  over your little people and stop looking for someone else to blame.

Im Done



FivesMagic said...

I agree. It's only the parent's responsibility - not the church's and DEFINITELY not the schools.

Sue Knicely said...

Ok Rock Star Mom, I have a lot of agreement for what you just said. I'm not a parent, but I truly do appreciate parents who actually...uh...PARENT. I'm sure it's hard and aggravating and exhausting but EXCUSE ME! You made that child. Raise him/her! Those of us who do not make children don't want to have to deal with someone else's lack of responsibility. Just sayin. So as your hubs would say "yea and amen" to what you just said. : )