About Me

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Well, lets start with the important stuff...Im the wife to a really hot guy! Im Blessed with three great kids, Hope is almost 18, Morgan just turned 6 and the true love of my life my son Tommy who is 5. We recently moved from the Flint area, yea I know what your thinking so let me finish, we Moved to the country away from the crime and grime. We bought a more beautiful home then we deserve on five acres. life is good. I work full time as a commercial Banker, my husband Tom owns his own business doing Home theaters and security. His business is BOOMING! I was born and raised in Flint and moved to Arizona in 1996. I stayed about ten years and had the desire to move back. So I packed up a Hundai Elantra a 9 year old girl, a yorkie, two turtles and a car load of gear and moved back to Flint. We stayed with my girl Michelle for a bit until I got settled with a job and new place. Then I started stalking my husband to be and it has been blissful ever since.

Monday, March 14, 2011


The pastor preached on rudeness on Sunday and Ive been chewing on it ever since.

 Society as a whole has really been letting this one slide, there is rudeness every where and when it is portrayed in comedy's we laugh and find it amusing.  I am one to speak my mind but it is from my heart NEVER from a place of negativity or to hurts someone feelings. 
People are rude and mean and forget what a sword the tongue can be. They say things that criticize another and make sure there are witness's to make it worse. Rudeness in words is even worse over the phone, people think that because they cannot see the person on the other end they have no feelings or that it's their "job" think about how you talk to the rep at the cable company when your bill is messed up AGAIN. I have seen people treat servers and wait staff like they are trash.
I see this in children who have no manners due to their lack of parenting if you bump someone say your sorry, don't talk with disrespect to an adult. I know this is again due to lack of parenting for the most part because the parents themselves are rude and don't teach the children  in the proper manner to behave.
This is not just in words but in actions;  for instance if you say your going to do something do it! What happend to a man is only as good as his word?  If we have plans don't bail 15 minutes before our plans are scheduled; and please people,  RSVP for things!  How hard is This? it is just common courtesy and don't call me when you on your way and ask if you can bring your niece and nephew too? NO that's RUDE!!!!
Now I admit that my tolerance is growing weak as I get older so I avoid places like walmart where I want to smack all the ignorant people with their screaming children. I go to Target and pay a little extra that is the price I pay ..pun intended ...to get a little better shopping clientele.
  Teenagers... I have always bragged about Hope not being as sassy as the teenagers of my Friends but lately her lack of disrespect toward Tom is out of control. I know when she starts to get mouthy with me I look and her and say " remember who you are talking too" and she gets the message quickly. So I will have to take some measures to re-train Hope so she has the same level of respect for him that I demand she have for me. This again all stems from her being rude the topic at hand.  There have been times that I have been on the phone with people and they have to stop the conversation 3 dozen times to correct their children who are old enough to know better. When Hope was small and she would talk to me while I was on the phone I would simply hold up my index finger saying one moment and she would wait, and if she asked me for something while Im on the phone the answer will be NO flat out. Ok I digress lets get back to society in general where is modern society headed ? no rules no consequences for saying what ever you want and behaving how ever you want? cutting lines, cutting people off in traffic, not saying excuse me, there seems to be a rules do not apply to me or even sense of entitlement on their part.

The world is passing through troublous times. The young people of
today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for
parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint. They talk as
if they knew everything, and what passes for wisdom with us is
foolishness with them. As for the girls, they are forward, immodest
and unladylike in speech, behavior and dress."
- Peter the Hermit, A.D. 1274

I think as long as there are the people that still notice the rudeness and call people out on it there is still hope. So don't be silent and don't be tolerant ! If you see or hear someone being rude stand up and call them out on it!!! This behavior is unacceptable and not going to be tolerated!

Friday, March 11, 2011

zero waste ok less waste.

so I watched a video today about a family that has only accumulated a hand full of garbage in four months ! these are items that cannot be recycled reused or put in the compost that is AMAZING to me now those of you who know me know I have switched to all non toxic chemicals in my home and I push my shaklee to my friends like its crack. Im not under the delusion that my family of five will be a zero waste family but it sure got me thinking about all the stuff we throw away and all the stuff that will NEVER decompose and actually poisons the earth like Styrofoam there is a container in my trash under my desk right now. Im going to talk with my family about making a conscious effort to reuse recycle and compost what ever we can. there is no curb side recycling where I live so we have been separating every thing and taking it to my in laws for their road side service. We also burn all out cardboard and papers. My father is law composts so Im gonna get schooled on that so we can do it at home. Yes I realize there will be some work involved but I know we send ALOT of stuff to the road and then we dont ever think about it again but I need to start that is not the end of it it goes to land fills and then OMG I dont even know what happens from there.
I know I cannot save the planet all by myself but I have the power to choose the better way for my life and my family and my home and my small area of the work place.  Sooo Ill keep you informed on my less waste life style and please feel free to hit me up with any tips you use.
that it for now

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Hope is fantastic Hope is sarcastic Hope is my baby yet turning into a young lady. . Hope is Funny and witty, Hope loves her some drama and pity. Hope is pretty and fun and my first one. She is my friend and my inspiration when I felt at Witt's end. Hope was raised with me during hard times Hope does what she is asked and never whines. Hope I cannot believe you are almost 16 I remember all the wonderful moments and even the ones that are not so wonderful but know how much I love you ALWAYS.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I'm not now, nor have I ever been a teenage boy

I'm not now, nor have I ever been a teenage boy, so Im gonna need some help with this one.... Now that Hope is 15 and she is getting to the stage where Im willing to admit she is growing up and likes boys, Ive been checking out these boys who are checking out my daughter. Lets start with about a month ago The hubby and I stop into Hooters to see his boy Tim who is the manager of all the whiny hooters girls anyway so were sitting there and I look over and there is this family a mother a father and two boys about 15 and 13 and one of them has his lap top on the table and the other one is doing something  on his phone now let me reiterate I'm not now, nor have I ever been a teenage boy but I think that at that age if I were at Hooters I would not be playing with my media Id be playing with my joystick under the table !!! am I wrong?
  Then I move on to the boys at church, they all hang together apart from the girls and they wear skinny jeans and black shirts, I get fashion, dont get me wrong. I just think that they should try to be their own person, they all have the same hair cut and the same piercings now I think the long hair if it is cut right is super cute and I dont care about the piercings or the tattoos what ever Im just saying why do they all look the same? then tonight I took Hope to the Derby Girls and that is always a venue for the freaks but at least they know how to be individuals! but the boys there were not there to pick up the hot chicks they were the chicks sidekicks and most of them dress like the girls. I had on a really cute grey sweater with ruffle sleeves and a skull and cross bones on it and there was this really creepy boy dressed in a ragged pink sweater with the worst cut it myself in the kitchen hair cut I have ever seen, asked where I got it cause he had to have one! did I mention the ruffle sleeves??? This child was sad and confused and he needs some love from his parents. there  were ALOT of alternative lifestyle boys, I dont get it maybe Im just old maybe Im at that point where I sit in my rocker and tell the kids to turn the music down and I say I just dont get kids these days I dont know. I have a teenage daughter and Ive been one of those so I get that. But the boys I dont think they know what it means to be a boy let alone a man and Im worried for them. Where are the fathers to all these boys that dont know who or how to be???
I just hope I have this figured out by the time Tommy is a teenage boy so any advise would be welcomed and appreciated.
Im done

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I took a week off with no plans and my husband about lost his mind about it. He is a go go go kinda guy and thinks this vaca was such a waist. But what I needed was some down time and some quality time with the kids. so Monday I cleaned all day, I mean really cleaned-  the hubby called me a weirdo when I got excited cause there was dirt under the rug. Then Tuesday Hope had the day off and she has been complaining about her sides hurting. She cannot explain this pain in normal, not teenage girl language- the Dr and I think it is just growing pains, but he wants some tests just in case. So we went to get an xray and guess what? nothing. We went shopping and it just seemed like such a buzy day. I got the stuff to start making my hand stamped jewelry and Um it is harder than it looks!
Today took Hope for the ultra sound to make sure she does not have kidney stones. Im telling you this girl better have something or Im gonna beat her cause she is taking up waaaayyy to much of MY vacation time with this BS. This better not be a case of teenage hypochondriac-ism!
At least while the kids were napping I watched like 3 months worth of desperate house wives off the DVR  that was kinda nice. I really want to just do nothing is that too much to ask? maybe next time I steal a vacation Ill run away to a secluded luxury hotel. ahh yea that sounds like a good plan.

well on another note I have been thinking about this whole birthday thing and the fact that  Im turning 38 in a couple days ; when did 40 get so close?  I dont feel that old and I hope I dont look that old. I mean I know people my age and I think I look better that most of them. Sorry ladies you know its true. most women my age are fat and have lost their as Jaynie would say " give a damn" And when did I go from miss to MAM what the heck am I really a Mam??? and at what age does that happen ? I mean really dont they know that Im Rock Star Barbie? obviously Im not some old hag with a hump back and comfy shoes !
ok ok so we went out for my birthday and I got tired at 10:30 but we had a good time right?

40 is comn for me but Im fighting it every step of the way me and some oil of olay.
ok Im done